WebViewer Instance UI namespace.
Contains functions and properties related to UI related parts of WebViewer
webViewerInstance.UI.someProperty webViewerInstance.UI.someAPI()
<static> annotationPopup
An instance of Popup that can be used to edit items in the annotation popup component
- Implements:
WebViewer(...) .then(function (instance) { instance.UI.annotationPopup.someAPI(); });
<static> contextMenuPopup
An instance of Popup that can be used to edit items in the context menu popup component
- Implements:
WebViewer(...) .then(function (instance) { instance.UI.contextMenuPopup.someAPI(); });
<static> Events
Contains string enums for WebViewer UI events.
string UI.Events.annotationFilterChanged DOCUMENT_LOADED
string UI.Events.documentLoaded DOCUMENT_MERGED
string UI.Events.documentMerged FINISHED_SAVING_PDF
string UI.Events.finishedSavingPDF LOAD_ERROR
string UI.Events.loaderror DRAG_OUTLINE
string UI.Events.dragOutline DROP_OUTLINE
string UI.Events.dragOutline PANEL_RESIZED
string UI.Events.panelResized THEME_CHANGED
string UI.Events.themeChanged TOOLBAR_GROUP_CHANGED
string UI.Events.event:toolbarGroupChanged SELECTED_THUMBNAIL_CHANGED
string UI.Events.selectedThumbnailChanged THUMBNAIL_DRAGGED
string UI.Events.thumbnailDragged THUMBNAIL_DROPPED
string UI.Events.thumbnailDropped USER_BOOKMARKS_CHANGED
string UI.Events.userBookmarksChanged OUTLINE_BOOKMARKS_CHANGED
string UI.Events.outlineBookmarksChanged VIEWER_LOADED
string UI.Events.viewerLoaded VISIBILITY_CHANGED
string UI.Events.visibilityChanged FULLSCREEN_MODE_TOGGLED
string UI.Events.fullscreenModeToggled Example
WebViewer(...).then(function(instance) { const UIEvents = instance.UI.Events; instance.UI.addEventListener(UIEvents.ANNOTATION_FILTER_CHANGED, e => { const { types, authors, colors } = e.detail; console.log(types, authors, colors); }); });
<static> Feature
Contains string enums for all features for WebViewer UI
Name Type Description Measurement
string Measurement tools that can create annotations to measure distance, perimeter and area. Ribbons
string A collection of toolbar groups to switch between. Annotations
string Render annotations in the document and be able to edit them. Download
string A download button to download the current document. FilePicker
string Ctrl/Cmd + O hotkey and a open file button that can be clicked to load local files. LocalStorage
string Store and retrieve tool styles from window.localStorage. NotesPanel
string A panel that displays information of listable annotations. Print
string Ctrl/Cmd + P hotkey and a print button that can be clicked to print the current document. Redaction
string Redaction tools that can redact text or areas. Need fullAPI to be on to use this feature. TextSelection
string Ability to select text in a document. TouchScrollLock
string Lock document scrolling in one direction in mobile devices. Copy
string Ability to copy text or annotations use Ctrl/Cmd + C hotkeys or the copy button. MultipleViewerMerging
string Ability to drag and drop pages from one instance of WebViewer into another ThumbnailMerging
string Ability to drag and drop a file into the thumbnail panel to merge ThumbnailReordering
string Ability to reorder pages using the thumbnail panel PageNavigation
string Ability to navigate through pages using mouse wheel, arrow up/down keys and the swipe gesture. MouseWheelZoom
string Ability to zoom when holding ctrl/cmd + mouse wheel. Search
string Ctrl/Cmd + F hotkey and a search button that can be clicked to search the current document. MathSymbols
string Ability to add math symbols in free text editor OutlineEditing
string Ability to add, move and delete outlines in the outlines panel. This feature is only available when `fullAPI: true` is used. NotesPanelVirtualizedList
string Ability to use a virtualized list in the note panel. Will limit the number of notes rendered on the DOM Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var Feature = instance.UI.Feature; instance.UI.enableFeatures([Feature.Measurement]); instance.UI.disableFeatures([Feature.Copy]); });
<static> FitMode
Contains all possible modes for fitting/zooming pages to the viewer. The behavior may vary depending on the LayoutMode.
Name Type Description FitPage
string A fit mode where the zoom level is fixed to the width or height of the page, whichever is smaller. FitWidth
string A fit mode where the zoom level is fixed to the width of the page. Zoom
string A fit mode where the zoom level is not fixed. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var FitMode = instance.UI.FitMode; instance.UI.setFitMode(FitMode.FitWidth); });
<static> hotkeys
An instance of Hotkeys that can be used to enable, disable or register custom hotkeys in the viewer
- Class.<UI.Hotkeys>
- See:
<static> iframeWindow
WebViewer iframe window object
- Window
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const iframeWindow = instance.UI.iframeWindow; // iframeWindow.SomeNamespace // iframeWindow.document.querySelector('.some-element'); });
<static> LayoutMode
Contains string enums for all layouts for WebViewer. They are used to dictate how pages are placed within the viewer.
Name Type Description Single
string Only the current page will be visible. Continuous
string All pages are visible in one column. Facing
string Up to two pages will be visible. FacingContinuous
string All pages visible in two columns. FacingCover
string All pages visible in two columns, with an even numbered page rendered first. (i.e. The first page of the document is rendered by itself on the right side of the viewer to simulate a book cover.) FacingCoverContinuous
string All pages visible, with an even numbered page rendered first. (i.e. The first page of the document is rendered by itself on the right side of the viewer to simulate a book cover.) Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const LayoutMode = instance.UI.LayoutMode; instance.UI.setLayoutMode(LayoutMode.Single); });
<static> mentions
An instance of MentionsManager that can be used to allow mentioning people in a textarea in the notes panel.
- See:
<static> pageManipulationsOverlay
An instance of PageManipulationsOverlay that can be used to edit the items included in the overlay
- Implements:
WebViewer(...) .then(function (instance) { instance.UI.pageManipulationOverlay.someAPI(); })
<static> settingsMenuOverlay
An instance of MenuOverlay that can be used to edit items in the settings menu overlay component.
- Implements:
WebViewer(...) .then(function (instance) { instance.UI.settingsMenuOverlay.someAPI(); });
<static> textPopup
An instance of Popup that can be used to edit items in the text popup component
- Implements:
WebViewer(...) .then(function (instance) { instance.UI.textPopup.someAPI(); });
VerificationOptions namespace
- See:
- VerificationOptions
<static> addEventListener(eventName, listener)
Add an event listener for the given WebViewer UI event.
Name Type Description eventName
string UI event name. listener
function Callback function that will be invoked when the event is dispatched. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.addEventListener(instance.UI.Events.ANNOTATION_FILTER_CHANGED, e => { const { types, authors, colors } = e.detail; console.log(types, authors, colors); }); });
<static> addSearchListener(searchListener)
Adds a listener function to be called when search is completed.
Name Type Description searchListener
UI.searchListener Callback function that will be triggered when search completed Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { function searchListener(searchValue, options, results) { console.log(searchValue, options, results); }; instance.UI.addSearchListener(searchListener); });
<static> addSortStrategy(sortStrategy)
Adds a sorting strategy in notes panel.
Name Type Description sortStrategy
object Sorting strategy that will be used to sort notes Properties
Name Type Description name
string Name of the strategy, which will be shown in notes panel's dropdown getSortedNotes
UI.getSortedNotes Function that takes unsorted notes (annotations) and returns them sorted shouldRenderSeparator
UI.shouldRenderSeparator Function that returns when a separator should be rendered getSeparatorContent
UI.getSeparatorContent Function that returns the content of a separator Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var mySortStrategy = { name: 'annotationType', getSortedNotes: function(notes) { return notes.sort(function(a ,b) { if (a.Subject < b.Subject) return -1; if (a.Subject > b.Subject) return 1; if (a.Subject === b.Subject) return 0; }); }, shouldRenderSeparator: function(prevNote, currNote) { return prevNote.Subject !== currNote.Subject; }, getSeparatorContent: function(prevNote, currNote) { return currNote.Subject; } }; instance.UI.addSortStrategy(mySortStrategy); });
<static> cancelPrint()
Stops on-going page processing to cancel a print job.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.print(); instance.UI.cancelPrint(); }); });
<static> closeDocument()
Closes the document that's currently opened.
A promise resolved after document is closed.- Type
- Promise.<void>
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { setTimeout(function() { instance.UI.closeDocument().then(function() { console.log('Document is closed'); }); }, 3000); }); });
<static> closeElements(dataElements)
Sets visibility states of the elements to be hidden. Note that closeElements works only for panel/overlay/popup/modal elements.
Name Type Description dataElements
Array.<string> Array of data-element attribute values for DOM elements. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // closes (hides) text popup and left panel in the UI instance.UI.closeElements([ 'menuOverlay', 'leftPanel' ]); });
<static> dangerouslySetNoteTransformFunction(noteTransformFunction)
Accepts a function that will be called every time a note in the left panel is rendered. This function can be used to add, edit or hide the contents of the note.
Please carefully read the documentation and the notes below before using this API
This API is experimental and should be used sparingly. If you find you are heavily relying on this function, it is recommended that you fork the UI repo and make the changes directly in the source code (Note.js).
The structure of the HTML that is passed into this function may change may change without notice in any release. Please make sure to test this function thoroughly when upgrading WebViewer versions.
There may be unexpected behaviour when using this API. The HTML that is provided is controlled by React, and sometimes React will override any changes you make. If you find any unexpected behaviour when using this API, then this API probably won't work for your use case and you will have to make the changes directly in the source code.
Do not use document.createElement to create DOM elements. Instead, use the provided `createElement` utility function provided as the third parameter. Do not use HTMLElement.removeChild or any other APIs that remove elements from the DOM. Doing so will cause React to lose reference to this node, and will crash. If you need to hide an HTML element, set the style to `display: none` instead.
Name Type Description noteTransformFunction
UI.NoteTransformFunction The function that will be used to transform notes in the left panel Example
Webviewer(...) .then(instance => { instance.UI.dangerouslySetNoteTransformFunction((wrapper, state, createElement) => { // Change the title of every note wrapper.querySelector('.author-and-time>span').innerHTML = 'My custom note title'; // Add a button that alerts the user when clicked const button = createElement('button'); button.onmousedown = (e) => { if(state.isSelected) { alert('Hello world!'); } else { alert('Goodbye world!'); } }; button.innerHTML = 'Alert me' wrapper.appendChild(button); // Add a button that makes the annotation blue const button = createElement('button'); button.onmousedown = (e) => { state.annotation.StrokeColor = new instance.Annotations.Color(0, 0, 255); instance.UI.annotManager.redrawAnnotation(state.annotation) }; button.innerHTML = 'Make me blue' wrapper.appendChild(button); }) });
<static> disableClearSearchOnPanelClose()
Disable clearing search results when user closes search panel. When disabled, search results are kept even if user closes and reopens search panel. Note, mobile devices never clear search results even if this setting is enabled. This is because the panel needs to be closed to view the search results on the document.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.disableClearSearchOnPanelClose(); });
<static> disableDesktopOnlyMode()
Disables desktop only mode on WebViewer UI. This means that at small browser width/height, mobile/tablet CSS styling will be applied.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.disableDesktopOnlyMode(); });
<static> disableElements(dataElements)
Unmount multiple elements in the DOM. Note that this ONLY removes the DOM elements without disabling related features.
Name Type Description dataElements
Array.<string> Array of data-element attribute values for DOM elements. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. Examples
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // remove left panel and left panel button from the DOM instance.UI.disableElements([ 'leftPanel', 'leftPanelButton' ]); });
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // remove the 'Edit' toolbar group instance.UI.disableElements(['toolbarGroup-Edit']); });
<static> disableFadePageNavigationComponent()
Always keep the Page Navigation Component on screen. Default behaviour is to fade it after certain period of inactivity.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // Keeps the page navigation component on screen all the time instance.UI.disableFadePageNavigationComponent(); });
<static> disableFeatures(features)
Disable certain features in the WebViewer UI.
Name Type Description features
Array.<string> Array of features to disable. - See:
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.disableFeatures(instance.Feature.Measurement); });
<static> disableHighContrastMode()
Turns high contrast mode off.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.disableHighContrastMode(); });
<static> disableNativeScrolling()
Disable native mobile device scrolling behavior if it had previously been enabled. Note that native mobile device scrolling behavior is off by default.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { UI.disableNativeScrolling(); });
<static> disablePageDeletionConfirmationModal()
Disable the confirmation modal when deleteing a page from the thumnail view
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.disablePageDeletionConfirmationModal(); });
<static> disableReplyForAnnotations(isReplyDisabled)
Disable reply for annotations determined by the function passed in as parameter
Name Type Description isReplyDisabled
UI.storeisReplyDisabled Function that takes an annotation and returns if the reply of the annotation should be disabled. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // disable reply for all Freehand annotations instance.UI.disableReplyForAnnotations(function(annotation) { return annotation instanceof instance.Annotations.FreeHandAnnotation; }); });
<static> disableToolDefaultStyleUpdateFromAnnotationPopup()
Disables syncing of annotation style updates to the associated tool that created the annotation. So if an annotation's style is changed the tool default styles will not be updated.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.disableToolDefaultStyleUpdateFromAnnotationPopup(); });
<static> disableTools( [toolNames])
Disable multiple tools. This API uses disableElements internally to remove tool buttons from the DOM, and also disable the corresponding hotkeys.
Name Type Argument Default Description toolNames
Array.<string> <optional>
all tools Array of name of the tools, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. If nothing is passed, all tools will be disabled. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const { Tools } = instance.Core; // disable sticky annotation tool and free text tool instance.UI.disableTools([Tools.ToolNames.STICKY, Tools.ToolNames.FREETEXT]); });
<static> displayErrorMessage(message)
Displays the custom error message
Name Type Description message
string An error message Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.displayErrorMessage('My error message'); });
<static> dispose()
Cleans up listeners and data from the WebViewer instance. Should be called when removing the WebViewer instance from the DOM.
<static> downloadPdf( [options])
Downloads the pdf document with or without annotations added by WebViewer UI.
Name Type Argument Description options
object <optional>
An object that contains the following download options. Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description filename
string <optional>
The filename of the downloaded document. downloadType
string <optional>
'pdf' The type to download the file as, by default this is "pdf". PDF and image files can only be downloaded as PDFs, but office files can be downloaded as "pdf" or as "office" if you want to get the original file without annotations. xfdfString
string <optional>
An xfdf string containing annotation data to be used when downloading. Use this option instead of `includeAnnotations` if not all annotations need to be contained in the downloaded file. includeAnnotations
boolean <optional>
true Whether or not to include annotations added by WebViewer UI. flatten
boolean <optional>
Whether or not to flatten all the annotations in the downloaded document. Only useful fullAPI is enabled and either `xfdfString` or `includeAnnotations` is used. documentToBeDownloaded
Core.Document <optional>
A document to be download instead of the one loaded by Document Viewer. useDisplayAuthor
boolean <optional>
Whether to export annotations with the Display Author name from annotationManager.getDisplayAuthor() flags
number <optional>
Core.SaveOptions.REMOVE_UNUSED The flags with which to save the document. Possible values include `Core.SaveOptions.REMOVE_UNUSED` (remove unused objects during save) and `Core.SaveOptions.LINEARIZED` (optimize the document for fast web view and remove unused objects). Returns:
A promise that is resolved once the document is downloaded.- Type
- Promise.<any>
WebViewer(...) .then(async function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; const annotManager = instance.Core.annotationManager; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', async function() { // download pdf without annotations added by WebViewer UI await instance.UI.downloadPdf({ includeAnnotations: false, }); console.log('Downloaded the first time!') // download pdf with all annotations flattened await instance.UI.downloadPdf({ includeAnnotations: true, flatten: true, }); console.log('Downloaded a second time!') // download pdf without links const xfdfString = await annotManager.exportAnnotations({ links: false }); await instance.UI.downloadPdf({ xfdfString: xfdfString, }); console.log('Downloaded a third time!') }); });
<static> enableClearSearchOnPanelClose()
Enable clearing search results when user closes search panel. When this is enabled and user closes search panel all search results are cleared. Note, mobile devices never clear search results even if this setting is enabled. This is because the panel needs to be closed to view the search results on the document.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // Will not affect on mobile devices instance.UI.enableClearSearchOnPanelClose(); });
<static> enableDesktopOnlyMode()
Enables desktop only mode on WebViewer UI. This means that at small browser width/height, mobile/tablet CSS styling will not be applied.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.enableDesktopOnlyMode(); });
<static> enableElements(dataElements)
Remount the hidden elements in the DOM.
Name Type Description dataElements
Array.<string> Array of data-element attribute values for DOM elements. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // remove left panel and left panel button from the DOM instance.UI.enableElements([ 'leftPanel', 'leftPanelButton' ]); });
<static> enableFadePageNavigationComponent()
Fade the Page Navigation Component after it has not been interacted with. Reappears whenever the document is scrolled.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // Sets behaviour to fade the page navigation component. // enabled by default instance.UI.enableFadePageNavigationComponent(); });
<static> enableFeatures(features)
Enable certain features in the WebViewer UI.
Name Type Description features
Array.<string> Array of features to enable. - See:
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.enableFeatures(instance.Feature.Measurement); });
<static> enableHighContrastMode()
Turns high contrast mode on to help with accessibility.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.enableHighContrastMode(); });
<static> enableNativeScrolling()
Enable native mobile device scrolling behavior. By default custom behavior is used to handle vertical and horizontal scroll locking.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.enableNativeScrolling(); });
<static> enablePageDeletionConfirmationModal()
Enable the confirmation modal when deleteing a page from the thumnail view
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.enablePageDeletionConfirmationModal(); });
<static> enableToolDefaultStyleUpdateFromAnnotationPopup()
Enables syncing of annotation style updates to the associated tool that created the annotation. Note that this is enabled by default.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.enableToolDefaultStyleUpdateFromAnnotationPopup(); });
<static> enableTools( [toolNames])
Enable multiple tools.
Name Type Argument Default Description toolNames
Array.<string> <optional>
all tools Array of name of the tools, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. If nothing is passed, all tools will be enabled. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // enable sticky annotation tool and free text tool instance.UI.enableTools([ 'AnnotationCreateSticky', 'AnnotationCreateFreeText' ]); });
<static> exportBookmarks()
Returns a dictionary with page indices as keys and the bookmark text as the values
A dictionary with page indices as keys and the bookmark text as the values. ex: {"0":"Bookmark 1","2":"Bookmark 2"}- Type
- Object
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // Save the annotation data for doc123 const bookmarks = instance.UI.exportBookmarks(); const bookmarksString = JSON.stringify(bookmarks); fetch('/server/bookmarksHandler.js?documentId=doc123', { method: 'POST', body: bookmarksString // written into a json file on server }); });
<static> extractPagesWithAnnotations(pageNumbersToExtract)
Extract pages from the current document
Name Type Description pageNumbersToExtract
Array.<number> An array of pages to extract from the document. Annotations on the pages are included Returns:
A promise that resolve to a File object- Type
- Promise.<File>
// 6.0 and after WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.extractPagesWithAnnotations ([1,2,3]).then(function(fileData){ }); });
<static> focusNote(annotationId)
Focuses a note input field for the annotation. If the notes panel is closed, it is automatically opened before focusing.
Name Type Description annotationId
string Id of an annotation. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var annotManager = instance.Core.annotationManager; annotManager.addEventListener('annotationChanged', function(annotations, action) { annotations.forEach(function(annotation) { // Focus the note when annotation is created if (action === 'add' && annotation.Listable) { instance.UI.focusNote(annotation.Id); // note it is a capital i } }); }); });
<static> getAnnotationReadState(annotationId)
Return the read/unread state of an annotation. True for read, false for unread.
Name Type Description annotationId
string Id of the annotation. Throws:
Will throw an error if the annotation with the given ID does not exist.Returns:
Whether the annotation is read.- Type
- boolean
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const isAnnotationRead = instance.UI.getAnnotationReadState('test-annotation-id');
<static> getCustomData()
A getter that returns a stringified version of the 'custom' property that is passed to the WebViewer constructor Refer to the passing custom data section.
returns a stringified version of the 'custom' property that is passed to the WebViewer constructor- Type
- string
<static> getFitMode()
Return the current fit mode of the WebViewerInstance UI.
Current fit mode- Type
- string
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { console.log(instance.UI.getFitMode()); }); });
<static> getIsHighContrastMode()
Check whether high contrast mode is enabled or not.
- Deprecated:
- since version 8.0. Use isHighContrastModeEnabled Instead
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.getIsHighContrastMode(); });
<static> getLayoutMode()
Return the current layout mode of the WebViewerInstance.
Current layout mode- Type
- string
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { console.log(instance.UI.getLayoutMode()); }); });
<static> getMaxZoomLevel()
Return the max zoom level
max zoom level- Type
- number
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { console.log(instance.UI.getMaxZoomLevel()); }); });
<static> getMinZoomLevel()
Return the min zoom level
min zoom level- Type
- number
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { console.log(instance.UI.getMinZoomLevel()); }); });
<static> getSelectedThumbnailPageNumbers()
Get the currently selected pages
an array of select page numbers- Type
- Array.<number>
// 6.0 and after WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.getSelectedThumbnailPageNumbers(); });
<static> getToolMode()
Return the current tool object.
Instance of the current tool- Type
- Core.Tools.Tool
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { console.log(instance.UI.getToolMode().name, instance.UI.getToolMode()); });
<static> getWatermarkModalOptions()
Gets the watermark options created in print modal.
Returns the watermark options created in print modal.- Type
- object
<static> getZoomLevel()
Return the current zoom level
Zoom level (0 ~ 1)- Type
- number
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { console.log(instance.UI.getZoomLevel()); }); });
<static> hideOutlineControl()
hide outline control
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.hideOutlineControl(); });
<static> importBookmarks(bookmarks)
Imports user bookmarks
Name Type Description bookmarks
object A dictionary with page indices as keys and the bookmark text as the values. ex: {"0":"Bookmark 1","2":"Bookmark 2"}. Behaviour is undefined otherwise. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // load the user bookmarks data for id 'doc123' fetch('/server/bookmarksHandler.js?documentId=doc123', { method: 'GET' }).then(function(response) { if (response.status === 200) { response.text().then(function(bookmarksString) { // {"0":"Bookmark 1","2":"Bookmark 2"} const bookmarks = JSON.parse(bookmarksString); instance.UI.importBookmarks(bookmarks); }); } }); });
<static> isElementDisabled(dataElement)
Returns whether the element is disabled.
Name Type Description dataElement
string data-element attribute value for a DOM element. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. Returns:
Whether the element is disabled.- Type
- boolean
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { console.log(instance.UI.isElementDisabled('leftPanel')); });
<static> isElementOpen(dataElement)
Returns whether the element is open.
Name Type Description dataElement
string data-element attribute value for a DOM element. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. Returns:
Whether the element is open.- Type
- boolean
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { console.log(instance.UI.isElementOpen('leftPanel')); });
<static> isFullscreen()
Returns whether in fullscreen mode.
Whether in fullscreen mode.- Type
- boolean
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { console.log(instance.UI.isFullscreen()); });
<static> isHighContrastModeEnabled()
Check whether high contrast mode is enabled or not.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.isHighContrastModeEnabled(); });
<static> isInDesktopOnlyMode()
Returns a boolean to denote if the UI is in desktop only mode.
boolean to denote if the UI is in desktop only mode- Type
- boolean
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.isInDesktopOnlyMode(); });
<static> isToolDisabled(toolName)
Returns whether the tool is disabled.
Name Type Description toolName
string Name of the tool, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. Returns:
Whether the tool is disabled.- Type
- boolean
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { console.log(instance.UI.isToolDisabled()); });
<static> loadDocument(documentPath [, options])
Load a document inside WebViewer UI.
Name Type Argument Description documentPath
string | File | Blob | Core.Document | Core.PDFNet.PDFDoc Path to the document OR File object if opening local file. options
object <optional>
Additional options Properties
Name Type Argument Description extension
string <optional>
The extension of the file. If file is a blob/file object or a URL without an extension then this is necessary so that WebViewer knows what type of file to load. filename
string <optional>
Filename of the document, which is used when downloading the PDF. customHeaders
object <optional>
An object of custom HTTP headers to use when retrieving the document from the specified url. webViewerServerCustomQueryParameters
object <optional>
An object of custom query parameters to be appended to every WebViewer Server request. documentId
string <optional>
Unique id of the document. withCredentials
boolean <optional>
Whether or not cross-site requests should be made using credentials. cacheKey
string <optional>
A key that will be used for caching the document on WebViewer Server. officeLocale
string <optional>
The locale to render the document with. password
string <optional>
A string that will be used to as the password to load a password protected document. xodOptions
object <optional>
An object that contains the options for a XOD document. Properties
Name Type Argument Description decrypt
boolean <optional>
Function to be called to decrypt a part of the XOD file. For default XOD AES encryption pass Core.Encryption.decrypt. decryptOptions
boolean <optional>
An object with options for the decryption e.g. {p: "pass", type: "aes"} where is p is the password. streaming
boolean <optional>
A boolean indicating whether to use http or streaming PartRetriever, it is recommended to keep streaming false for better performance. https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/web/guides/streaming-option. azureWorkaround
boolean <optional>
Whether or not to workaround the issue of Azure not accepting range requests of a certain type. Enabling the workaround will add an extra HTTP request of overhead but will still allow documents to be loaded from other locations. startOffline
boolean <optional>
Whether to start loading the document in offline mode or not. This can be set to true if the document had previously been saved to an offline database using WebViewer APIs. You'll need to use this option to load from a completely offline state. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.loadDocument('https://www.pdftron.com/downloads/pl/test.pdf', { documentId: '1', filename: 'sample-1.pdf' }); });
<static> openElements(dataElements)
Sets visibility states of the elements to be visible. Note that openElements works only for panel/overlay/popup/modal elements.
Name Type Description dataElements
Array.<string> Array of data-element attribute values for DOM elements. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // opens (shows) text popup and annotation popup in the UI instance.UI.openElements([ 'menuOverlay', 'leftPanel' ]); });
<static> overrideSearchExecution(overrideSearchExecutionCallback)
Add custom override function for default search on UI. overrideSearchExecutionCallback function will be executed with search value and search options when user executes search from UI. This function won't be executed when search is triggered through programmatic searches.
Name Type Description overrideSearchExecutionCallback
function Function that will executed instead of default search functionality. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { function searchFn(searchValue, options) { console.log(searchValue, options); }; instance.UI.overrideSearchExecution(searchFn); });
<static> print()
Print the current document.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.print(); }); });
<static> printInBackground( [options])
Programmatically print the document without opening a modal with the print options provided. Not supported by legacy-ui
Name Type Argument Description options
object <optional>
Options for the printing. Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description pagesToPrint
Array.<number> <optional>
Optionally pass in the pages you want to print. By default, all pages will be printed. includeAnnotations
boolean <optional>
false If true, will print the documents with the annotations includeComments
boolean <optional>
false If true, will append comments to the document printed isPrintCurrentView
boolean <optional>
If true, will print the current viewport view of the current page onProgress
function <optional>
A callback function that is executed on each page processed Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.printInBackground({ includeComments:true, includeAnnotations: true, onProgress: function(pageNumber, htmlElement) {}, }); }); });
<static> registerTool(properties [, annotationConstructor] [, customAnnotationCheckFunc])
Registers tool in the document viewer tool mode map, and adds a button object to be used in the header. See Customizing tools to learn how to make a tool.
Name Type Argument Description properties
object Tool properties. Properties
Name Type Argument Description toolName
string Name of the tool. toolObject
Core.Tools.Tool Instance of the tool. buttonImage
string Path to an image or base64 data for the tool button. buttonName
string <optional>
Name of the tool button that will be used in data-element. buttonGroup
string <optional>
Group of the tool button belongs to. tooltip
string <optional>
Tooltip of the tool button. showColor
'always' | 'active' | 'never' <optional>
Controls when the tool button should show the color. showPresets
boolean <optional>
Option to whether show or hide preset styles. Default is true. annotationConstructor
function <optional>
Deprecated Please use customAnnotationCheckFunc instead. Will be removed in the future. customAnnotationCheckFunc
function <optional>
Function that takes in a parameter of an annotation. Returns a boolean if the specified annotation is a certain type of annotation. This function is used by the viewer to check if the annotation passed in is associated(created) with the registered tool. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // assume myCustomTool and myCustomAnnotation are already defined const myTool = { toolName: 'MyTool', toolObject: myCustomTool, buttonImage: 'path/to/image', buttonName: 'myToolButton', buttonGroup: 'miscTools', tooltip: 'MyTooltip' }; instance.UI.registerTool(myTool, undefined, annot => annot && annot.isCustomAnnot); });
<static> removeEventListener(eventName, listener)
"Remove an event listener for the given WebViewer UI event.
Name Type Description eventName
string UI event name. listener
function Event handler function that should no longer be bound to the event. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const listener = e => { const { types, authors, colors } = e.detail; console.log(types, authors, colors); instance.UI.removeEventListener(instance.UI.Events.ANNOTATION_FILTER_CHANGED, listener); }; instance.UI.addEventListener(instance.UI.Events.ANNOTATION_FILTER_CHANGED, listener); });
<static> removeSearchListener(listener)
Removes the search listener function.
Name Type Description listener
UI.searchListener Search listener function that was added. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { function searchListener(searchValue, options, results) { console.log(searchValue, options, results); }; instance.UI.addSearchListener(searchListener); instance.UI.removeSearchListener(searchListener); });
<static> searchText(searchValue [, options])
Searches the document one by one for the text matching searchValue. To go to the next result this function must be called again. Once document end is reach it will jump back to the first found result.
Name Type Argument Description searchValue
string The text value to look for. options
object <optional>
Search options. Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description caseSensitive
boolean <optional>
false Search with matching cases. wholeWord
boolean <optional>
false Search whole words only. wildcard
boolean <optional>
false Search a string with a wildcard *. For example, *viewer. regex
boolean <optional>
false Search for a regex string. For example, www(.*)com. searchUp
boolean <optional>
false Search up the document (backwards). ambientString
boolean <optional>
false Get the ambient string in the result. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.searchText('test', { caseSensitive: true, wholeWord: true }); }); });
<static> searchTextFull(searchValue [, options])
Searches the full document for the texts matching searchValue.
Name Type Argument Description searchValue
string The text value to look for. options
object <optional>
Search options. Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description caseSensitive
boolean <optional>
false Search with matching cases. wholeWord
boolean <optional>
false Search whole words only. wildcard
boolean <optional>
false Search a string with a wildcard *. For example, *viewer. regex
boolean <optional>
false Search for a regex string. For example, www(.*)com. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.searchTextFull('test', { wholeWord: true }); }); });
<static> selectThumbnailPages(pageNumbers)
Select thumbnails in the thumbnail panel. This requires the "ThumbnailMultiselect" feature to be enabled
Name Type Description pageNumbers
Array.<number> array of page numbers to select Example
// 6.1 and after WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.enableFeatures(['ThumbnailMultiselect']); const pageNumbersToSelect = [1, 2, 3]; instance.UI.selectThumbnailPages(pageNumbersToSelect); });
<static> setActiveHeaderGroup(headerGroup)
Sets a header group to be rendered in the Header element. This API comes useful when replacing the entire header items in small screens.
Name Type Description headerGroup
string Name of the header group to be rendered. Default WebViewer UI has eight header groups: 'default', 'small-mobile-more-buttons', 'toolbarGroup-View', 'toolbarGroup-Annotate', 'toolbarGroup-Shapes', 'toolbarGroup-Insert', 'toolbarGroup-Measure', and 'toolbarGroup-Edit'. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setActiveHeaderGroup('toolbarGroup-Annotate'); // switch to 'Annotate' group header });
<static> setActiveLeftPanel(dataElement)
Sets a panel to be active in the leftPanel element. Note that this API does not include opening the leftPanel.
Name Type Description dataElement
string Name of the panel to be active in leftPanel. Default WebViewer UI has three panel options: thumbnailsPanel, outlinesPanel and notesPanel. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // open left panel instance.UI.openElements([ 'leftPanel' ]); // view outlines panel instance.UI.setActiveLeftPanel('outlinesPanel');
<static> setActivePalette(toolName, colorPalette)
Sets the active color palette of a tool and its associated annotation
Name Type Description toolName
string Name of the tool, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. colorPalette
'text' | 'border' | 'fill' The palette to be activated. One of 'text', 'border' and 'fill'. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setActivePalette('AnnotationCreateFreeText', 'fill') });
<static> setAnnotationContentOverlayHandler(customOverlayHandler)
Adds a custom overlay to annotations on mouseHover, overriding the existing overlay.
Name Type Description customOverlayHandler
function A function that takes an annotation and returns a DOM Element, which is rendered as a tooltip when hovering over the annotation. Returning null or false will render nothing. Returning 'undefined' will use default behavior. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setAnnotationContentOverlayHandler(annotation => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`Created by: ${annotation.Author}`)); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`Created on ${annotation.DateCreated}`)); return div; }); });
<static> setAnnotationReadState(options)
Set the read/unread state of an annotation. The default state of annotations is read.
Name Type Description options
object Properties
Name Type Description isRead
boolean whether setting the annotation to read state; false for setting it as unread. annotationId
string Id of the annotation to be set. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setAnnotationReadState({ isRead: true, annotationId: 'test-annotation-id' }); });
<static> setColorPalette(An)
Sets the colors in the palette globally or for specific tools and their associated annotations
Name Type Description An
Array.<string> | UI.PaletteOption array of hex colors that will override the default colors for every tool. An object can be passed to specify colors for particular tools. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // this sets the palette globally. All the tools will use these colors. Can use empty string for blank spaces and 'transparency' for a transparent color. instance.UI.setColorPalette(['#FFFFFF', '', '#DDDDDD', 'transparency']); // use a different set of colors for the freetext and rectangle tool. instance.UI.setColorPalette({ toolNames: ['AnnotationCreateFreeText', 'AnnotationCreateRectangle'], colors: ['#333333'], }) });
<static> setCustomMeasurementOverlay(customOverlayInfo)
Adds a custom overlay to annotations if that annotation currently support it. Currently only the Ellipsis annotation supports it.
Name Type Description customOverlayInfo
array an array of customOverlay configurations. The configuration object has five properties: title, label, validate, value, and onChange Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setCustomMeasurementOverlayInfo([ { title: "Radius Measurement", //Title for overlay label: "Radius", // Label to be shown for the value // Validate is a function to validate the annotation is valid for the current custom overlay validate: annotation => annotation instanceof instance.Annotations.EllipseAnnotation, // The value to be shown in the custom overlay value: annotation => annotation.Width / 2, // onChange will be called whenever the value in the overlay changes from user input onChange: (e, annotation) => { // Do something with the annot like resize/redraw instance.Core.annotationManager.redrawAnnotation(annotation); } } ]) });
<static> setCustomModal(options)
Add custom modal element to WebViewer.
Controlling custom modals is done using element API for example openElements, closeElements, toggleElement, and disableElements. dateElement string passed on these function should be same as you set in options.dataElement.
Every custom modal will add new <div> element with CustomModal and <options.dataElement string> set as class attribute Modal with identical options.dataElement will get replaced by the latest modal options.
For styling these components, see Customizing WebViewer UI Styles
Note that in most cases WebViewer is ran in iframe and making options.disableEscapeKeyDown automatically work, iframe must be the active element. This can be done by setting focus to iframe programmatically.Parameters:
Name Type Description options
object Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description dataElement
string Unique name of custom modal. disableBackdropClick
boolean <optional>
false Disable closing modal when user clicks outside of content area disableEscapeKeyDown
boolean <optional>
false Disable closing modal when user hit escape from keyboard render
UI.renderCustomModal Function rendering custom model contents Example
WebViewer(...).then(function(instance) { var modal = { dataElement: 'meanwhileInFinlandModal', render: function renderCustomModal(){ var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.color = 'white'; div.style.backgroundColor = 'hotpink'; div.style.padding = '20px 40px'; div.style.borderRadius = '5px'; div.innerText = 'Meanwhile in Finland'; return div } } instance.UI.setCustomModal(modal); instance.UI.openElements([modal.dataElement]); });
<static> setCustomNoteFilter(filterAnnotation)
Filter the annotations shown in the notes panel
Name Type Description filterAnnotation
UI.filterAnnotation Function that takes an annotation and returns if the annotation(note) should be shown in the notes panel. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // only show annotations that are created by John instance.UI.setCustomNoteFilter(function(annotation) { return annotation.Author === 'John'; }); });
<static> setCustomNoteSelectionFunction(customNoteSelectionFunction)
Name Type Description customNoteSelectionFunction
UI.CustomNoteSelectionFunction The function that will be invoked when clicking on a note in notes panel. The function will only be invoked when the underlying annotation is not already selected. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setCustomNoteSelectionFunction(annotation => { // some code }) });
<static> setCustomPanel(options)
Adds a custom panel in left panel
Name Type Description options
object Properties
Name Type Description tab
object Tab options. Properties
Name Type Description dataElement
string data-element for tab. title
string Tooltip for tab. img
string Url for an image. panel
object Panel options. Properties
Name Type Description dataElement
string data-element for panel. render
UI.renderCustomPanel Function that returns panel element. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var myCustomPanel = { tab:{ dataElement: 'customPanelTab', title: 'customPanelTab', img: 'https://www.pdftron.com/favicon-32x32.png', }, panel: { dataElement: 'customPanel', render: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = 'Hello World'; return div; } } }; instance.UI.setCustomPanel(myCustomPanel); });
<static> setDefaultPrintOptions(options)
Sets the default print options.
Name Type Description options
object The default print options of the document to print. Must be an object. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setDefaultPrintOptions({ includeComments: true, includeAnnotations: true }); });
<static> setDisplayedSignaturesFilter(filterFunction)
Accepts a function that filters what saved signatures will be displayed in the signature annotation preset. Changing this function will instantly changes signatures displayed in the preset.
Name Type Description filterFunction
UI.SignatureFilterFunction The function that will be used to filter signatrues displayed in the preset Example
Webviewer(...) .then(instance => { // Only signatures that have a value set for the 'isInitial' custom data property will display in the preset instance.UI.setDisplayedSignaturesFilter((a) => a.getCustomData('isInitial')); });
<static> setFitMode(fitMode)
Sets the fit mode of the viewer.
Name Type Description fitMode
string Fit mode of WebViewer. - See:
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; var FitMode = instance.UI.FitMode; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.setFitMode(FitMode.FitWidth); }); });
<static> setHeaderItems(headerCallback)
Customize header. Refer to Customizing header for details.
Name Type Description headerCallback
UI.headerCallback Callback function to perform different operations on the header. Examples
// Adding save annotations button to the end of the top header WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setHeaderItems(function(header) { var myCustomButton = { type: 'actionButton', img: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M17 3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V7l-4-4zm-5 16c-1.66 0-3-1.34-3-3s1.34-3 3-3 3 1.34 3 3-1.34 3-3 3zm3-10H5V5h10v4z"/></svg>', onClick: function() { } } header.push(myCustomButton); }); });
// Removing existing buttons from the top header WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setHeaderItems(function(header) { header.update([]); }); });
// Appending logo to the 'Annotate' toolbar group and shifting existing buttons to the right WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setHeaderItems(function(header) { header.getHeader('toolbarGroup-Annotate').unshift({ type: 'customElement', render: function() { var logo = document.createElement('img'); logo.src = 'https://www.pdftron.com/downloads/logo.svg'; logo.style.width = '200px'; logo.style.marginLeft = '10px'; logo.style.cursor = 'pointer'; logo.onclick = function() { window.open('https://www.pdftron.com', '_blank'); } return logo; } }, { type: 'spacer' }); }); });
// Moving the line tool from the 'Shapes' toolbar group to the 'Annotate' toolbar group WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setHeaderItems(function(header) { header.getHeader('toolbarGroup-Annotate').push({ type: 'toolGroupButton', toolGroup: 'lineTools', dataElement: 'lineToolGroupButton', title: 'annotation.line' }); header.getHeader('toolbarGroup-Shapes').delete(6); }); });
<static> setHighContrastMode(useHighContrastMode)
Turns high contrast mode on or off to help with accessibility.
Name Type Description useHighContrastMode
boolean If true then the UI will use high contrast colors to help with accessibility. - Deprecated:
- since version 8.0. Use enableHighContrastMode or disableHighContrastMode Instead
// Using predefined string WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setHighContrastMode(true); });
<static> setIconColor(toolName, colorPalette)
Sets the color palette that will be used as a tool button's icon color.
Name Type Description toolName
string Name of the tool, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. colorPalette
string The palette which will be used as a tool button's icon color. One of 'text', 'border' and 'fill'. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // sets the color in fill palette to be used as freetext tool button's icon color // by default freetext tool button will use the color in text palette as its icon color instance.UI.setIconColor('AnnotationCreateFreeText', 'fill') });
<static> setLanguage(language)
Set the language of WebViewer UI.
Name Type Description language
string The language WebViewer UI will use. By default, following languages are supported: en, zh_cn, fr. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setLanguage('fr'); // set the language to French });
<static> setLayoutMode(layoutMode)
Sets the layout mode of the viewer.
Name Type Description layoutMode
string Layout mode of WebViewerInstance UI. - See:
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; const LayoutMode = instance.UI.LayoutMode; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.setLayoutMode(LayoutMode.FacingContinuous); }); });
<static> setMaxSignaturesCount( [maxSignaturesCount])
Set the number of signatures that can be stored in the WebViewer (default is 2)
Name Type Argument Default Description maxSignaturesCount
number <optional>
2 Number of signature webViewer can store Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setMaxSignaturesCount(5); // allow up to 5 stored signatures });
<static> setMaxZoomLevel(zoomLevel)
Sets the maximum zoom level allowed by the UI. Default is 9999%.
Name Type Description zoomLevel
string | number Zoom level in either number or percentage. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setMaxZoomLevel('150%'); // or setMaxZoomLevel(1.5) });
<static> setMeasurementUnits(units)
Sets the units that will be displayed in the measurement tools' styles popup Valid units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'm', 'km', 'mi', 'yd', 'ft', 'in', 'pt'
Name Type Description units
Object an object which contains the from units and to units Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setMeasurementUnits({ from: ['in', 'cm', 'm'], to: ['cm', 'm', 'km'] }); });
<static> setMinZoomLevel(zoomLevel)
Sets the minimum zoom level allowed by the UI. Default is 5%.
Name Type Description zoomLevel
string | number Zoom level in either number or percentage. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setMinZoomLevel('10%'); // or setMinZoomLevel(0.1) });
<static> setNoteDateFormat(format)
Sets the format for displaying the date when a note is create/modified. A list of formats can be found dayjs API.
Name Type Description format
string The format of date to display Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setNoteDateFormat('DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM'); });
<static> setPageLabels(pageLabels)
Sets page labels that will be displayed in UI. You may want to use this API if the document's page labels start with characters/numbers other than 1.
Name Type Description pageLabels
Array.<string> Page labels that will be displayed in UI. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.setPageLabels(['i', 'ii', 'iii', '4', '5']); // assume a document has 5 pages }); });
<static> setPageReplacementModalFileList(list)
Add a list of documents to the dropdown element of Page Replacement modal and provide a way to retreive document for displaying Page Replacement modal.
Name Type Description list
Array An array of object for selection element. Object must have "id", "filename" properties and "onSelect" method. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const list = [ {id: '12', filename: 'file-one.pdf'}, {id: '13', filename: 'file-two.pdf'}, {id: '14', filename: 'foobar.pdf'} ]; const options = list.map(item => { // Add "onSelect" method to each item, and return Document instance item.onSelect = () => instance.Core.createDocument('https://localhost/files/webviewer-demo.pdf'); return item; }); instance.UI.setPageReplacementModalFileList(options); });
<static> setPrintedNoteDateFormat(format)
Sets the format for displaying the date when a note is printed. A list of formats can be found dayjs API.
Name Type Description format
string The format of date to display Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setPrintedNoteDateFormat('DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM'); });
<static> setPrintQuality(quality)
Sets the print quality. Higher values are higher quality but takes longer to complete and use more memory. The viewer's default quality is 1.
Name Type Description quality
number The quality of the document to print. Must be a positive number. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setPrintQuality(2); });
<static> setSelectedTab(id, dataElement)
Sets the currently selected tab of a Tabs component.
Name Type Description id
string The id of the Tabs component to set. dataElement
string The 'dataElement' attribute of the TabPanel component to select. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // Set the currently selected tab of 'signatureModal' to be the 'Type' panel. instance.UI.setSelectedTab('signatureModal', 'textSignaturePanelButton'); //'inkSignaturePanelButton', 'imageSignaturePanelButton' // Set the currently selected tab of 'linkModal' to be the 'Page' panel. instance.UI.setSelectedTab('linkModal', 'PageNumberPanelButton'); //'URLPanelButton' // Set the currently selected tab of 'rubberStampTab' to be the 'Custom' panel. instance.UI.setSelectedTab('rubberStampTab', 'customStampPanelButton'); //'standardStampPanelButton' });
<static> setSignatureFonts(fonts)
Set the fonts that are used when typing a signature in the signature dialog.
Name Type Description fonts
Array.<string> | UI.setSignatureFontsCallback An array of font families. Example
// 6.1 WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setSignatureFonts(['GreatVibes-Regular']); instance.UI.setSignatureFonts(currentFonts => [ ...currentFonts, 'sans-serif', ]); });
<static> setSortStrategy(sortStrategy)
Sets a sorting algorithm in NotesPanel.
Name Type Description sortStrategy
string Name of the algorithm. There are a number of algorithm options: position, createDate, modifiedDate, status, author, type, and color. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setSortStrategy('time'); // sort notes by time });
<static> setSwipeOrientation(swipeOrientation)
Sets the swipe orientation between pages of WebViewer UI on mobile devices. Default is horizontal.
Name Type Description swipeOrientation
string The swipe orientation to navigate between pages. Available orientations are: horizontal, vertical and both. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setSwipeOrientation('vertical'); // set the swipe orientation to vertical. });
<static> setTheme(theme)
Sets the theme of WebViewer UI. Please note that this does not work in IE11.
Name Type Description theme
string Either the string 'light' or 'dark'. Example
// Using predefined string WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setTheme('dark'); });
<static> setToolbarGroup(groupDataElement [, pickTool])
Sets the current active toolbar group.
Name Type Argument Description groupDataElement
string The groups dataElement. Default values are: toolbarGroup-View, toolbarGroup-Annotate, toolbarGroup-Shapes, toolbarGroup-Insert, toolbarGroup-Measure, toolbarGroup-Edit, toolbarGroup-Forms pickTool
boolean <optional>
If true, after setting the toolbar group, the last picked tool for the group will be set as the current tool. Defaults to true. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // Change the toolbar group to the `Shapes` group instance.UI.setToolbarGroup('toolbarGroup-Shapes');
<static> setToolMode(toolName)
Sets tool mode.
Name Type Description toolName
string | Core.Tools.ToolNames Name of the tool, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.setToolMode('AnnotationEdit'); });
<static> setZoomLevel(zoomLevel)
Sets zoom level.
Name Type Description zoomLevel
string | number Zoom level in either number or percentage. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { var docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer; // you must have a document loaded when calling this api docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', function() { instance.UI.setZoomLevel('150%'); // or setZoomLevel(1.5) }); });
<static> showErrorMessage(message)
Displays the custom error message
Name Type Description message
string An error message - Deprecated:
- Since version 8.0. Use displayErrorMessage instead.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.showErrorMessage('My error message'); });
<static> showOutlineControl()
Show outline control
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.showOutlineControl(); });
<static> showWarningMessage()
Displays the custom error message
Name Type Description options.confirmBtnText
string The text that will be rendered in the confirm button options.title
string The title of the modal options.message
string The text that will rendered in the body of the modal options.onConfirm
function The callback function that will be invoked when the user clicks the Confirm button. The callback must return a Promise that resolves. options.onCancel
function The callback function that will be invoked when the user clicks the Cancel button. The callback must return a Promise that resolves. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.showWarningMessage({ title: 'This is my warning modal title', message: 'This is the body of my modal', confirmBtnText: 'Okay!', onConfirm: () => { console.log('The user clicked the confirm button'); return Promise.resolve(); }, onCancel: () => { console.log('The user clicked the cancel button'); return Promise.resolve(); }, }); });
<static> syncNamespaces(namespaces, otherInstances)
Syncs the namespaces under the Core namespace for the window, this instance, as well as others instances.
This is required for interoperability between multiple instances of WebViewer since each loaded instance ends up with different class references despite sharing the same name.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description namespaces
WebViewerInstance | object The object containing the namespaces that will be used for all instances. This can be a WebViewer instance or an object with the namespaces inside. Properties
Name Type Argument Description PDFNet
object <optional>
The PDFNet namespace. This is probably the most common that needs to be synced. Actions
object <optional>
The Actions namespace. Annotations
object <optional>
The Annotations namespace. Math
object <optional>
The Math namespace. Tools
object <optional>
The Tools namespace. otherInstances
WebViewerInstance <repeatable>
Other instances that will share the same namespaces. Example
// Loaded PDFNet directly const Core = window.Core; const PDFNet = Core.PDFNet; Core.setWorkerPath('../../../lib/core'); Core.enableFullPDF(); ... WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { // Force this instance to use the loaded PDFNet instead of the one loaded specific to this instance instance.UI.syncNamespaces({ PDFNet }); // instance.UI.syncNamespaces({ PDFNet }, instance2, instance3); // Alternative; instance, instance2, and instance3 will share the same PDFNet namespace. ... });
<static> toggleElement(dataElement)
Toggles a visibility state of the element to be visible/hidden. Note that toggleElement works only for panel/overlay/popup/modal elements.
Name Type Description dataElement
string data-element attribute value for a DOM element. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. - Deprecated:
- Since version 8.0. Use toggleElementVisibility instead.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.toggleElement('leftPanel'); // open LeftPanel if it is closed, or vice versa });
<static> toggleElementVisibility(dataElement)
Toggles the visibility of the element to be visible/hidden. Note that toggleElementVisibility works only for panel/overlay/popup/modal elements.
Name Type Description dataElement
string data-element attribute value for a DOM element. To find data-element of a DOM element, refer to Finding data-element attribute values. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.toggleElementVisibility('leftPanel'); // open LeftPanel if it is closed, or vice versa });
<static> toggleFullScreen()
Toggles full scree mode of the browser.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.toggleFullScreen(); });
<static> toggleReaderMode()
Toggles Reader mode of the viewer. Note that Reader mode only works with fullAPI enabled.
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.toggleReaderMode(); });
<static> unregisterTool(toolName)
Unregisters tool in the document viewer tool mode map, and removes the button object.
Name Type Description toolName
string Name of the tool, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.unregisterTool('MyTool'); });
<static> unselectThumbnailPages(pageNumbers)
Unselect selected thumbnails
Name Type Description pageNumbers
Array.<number> array of page numbers to unselect Example
// 6.1 and after WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { const pageNumbersToUnselect = [1, 2]; instance.UI.unselectThumbnailPages(pageNumbersToUnselect); });
<static> updateElement(dataElement, props)
Update an element in the viewer.
Name Type Description dataElement
string the data element of the element that will be updated. Only the data element of HTML elements that have 'Button' in the class name will work. props
object An object that is used to override an existing item's properties. Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.updateElement('thumbnailsPanelButton', { img: 'path/to/image', title: 'new_tooltip', }) });
<static> updateTool(toolName [, properties])
Update existing tool's properties.
Name Type Argument Description toolName
string Name of the tool, either from tool names list or the name you registered your custom tool with. properties
object <optional>
Tool properties Properties
Name Type Argument Description buttonImage
string <optional>
Path to an image or base64 data for the tool button buttonName
string <optional>
Name of the tool button that will be used in data-element buttonGroup
string <optional>
Group of the tool button belongs to tooltip
string <optional>
Tooltip of the tool button Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.updateTool('AnnotationCreateSticky', { buttonImage: 'https://www.pdftron.com/favicon-32x32.png' }); });
<static> useEmbeddedPrint( [use])
Use/not use embedded printing. Only applicable to Chrome. The printing process will be faster and the quality might be higher when using Chrome's native printing. You may not want to use embedded printing if there are custom annotations in your document.
Name Type Argument Default Description use
boolean <optional>
true Whether or not to use embedded printing Example
WebViewer(...) .then(function(instance) { instance.UI.useEmbeddedPrint(false); // disable embedded printing });
Type Definitions
Name Type Description annotation
Core.Annotations.Annotation A reference to the annotation object associated with the note -
Callback that gets passed to setCustomNoteFilter.
Name Type Description annotation
Core.Annotations.Annotation Annotation object Returns:
Whether the annotation should be kept.- Type
- boolean
getSeparatorContent(prevNote, currNote, options)
Callback that gets passed to `sortStrategy.getSeparatorContent` in addSortStrategy.
Name Type Description prevNote
Core.Annotations.Annotation Previous note (annotation) currNote
Core.Annotations.Annotation Current note (annotation) options
object Optional values Properties
Name Type Description pageLabels
Array.<string> List of page label Returns:
Content to be rendered in a separator- Type
- string | number
Callback that gets passed to `sortStrategy.getSortedNotes` in addSortStrategy.
Name Type Description notes
Array.<Core.Annotations.Annotation> List of unsorted notes (annotations) Returns:
Sorted notes (annotations)- Type
- Array.<Core.Annotations.Annotation>
Callback that gets passed to setHeaderItems.
Name Type Description header
UI.Header Header instance with helper functions -
NoteTransformFunction(wrapperElement, state, createElement)
Name Type Description wrapperElement
HTMLElement A reference to the DOM node that wraps the note. You can use this to query select child elements to mutate (see the examples below) state
object The state of the note. Contains two properties, 'annotation' and 'isSelected' Properties
Name Type Description annotation
Core.Annotations.Annotation A reference to the annotation object associated with the note isSelected
boolean whether or not the note is currently expanded createElement
function A utility function that should be used when creating DOM nodes. This is a replacement for `document.createElement`. Accepts the same parameters as `document.createElement`. Using document.createElement instead of this function will cause your DOM nodes to not be cleaned up on subsequent renders. -
Name Type Description toolNames
Array.<string> Tools that will have the same colors in the palette. colors
Array.<string> An array of hex colors. Use 'transparency' for a transparent color. -
Callback that gets passed to `options.render` in setCustomModal.
Modal element. If string is returned, it will be displayed as is inside modal- Type
- HTMLElement | string
Callback that gets passed to `options.panel.render` in setCustomPanel.
Panel element.- Type
- HTMLElement
searchListener(searchValue, options, results)
Callback that gets passed to addSearchListener.
Name Type Description searchValue
string Search value options
object Search options object, which includes 'caseSensitive', 'wholeWord', 'wildcard' and 'regex' results
Array.<object> Search results -
Name Type Description fonts
Array.<string> current font families Returns:
fonts to set.- Type
- Array.<string>
shouldRenderSeparator(prevNote, currNote)
Callback that gets passed to `sortStrategy.shouldRenderSeparator` in addSortStrategy.
Name Type Description prevNote
Core.Annotations.Annotation Previous note (annotation) currNote
Core.Annotations.Annotation Current note (annotation) Returns:
Whether a separator should be rendered or not- Type
- boolean
SignatureFilterFunction(annotation, index)
Name Type Description annotation
Core.Annotations.Annotation A signature annotation found in the SignatureCreateTool saved signatures list index
number An optional parameter for the index of the annotaiton parameter within the SignatureCreateTool saved signatures list Returns:
Whether or not a signature annotation should be included in the annotation preset- Type
- boolean
Callback that gets passed to disableReplyForAnnotations
Name Type Description annotation
Core.Annotations.Annotation Annotation object Returns:
Whether the reply of the annotation should be disabled.- Type
- boolean
Triggered when annotation filter in the notes panel has changed. Returns empty arrays if the filter is cleared.
Type: object
Name Type Description types
Array.<string> Types filter authors
Array.<string> Author filter colors
Array.<string> Color filter statuses
Array.<string> Status filter -
Triggered when a new document has been loaded.
Triggered when a new document has been merged into the thumbnails panel.
Type: object
Name Type Description filename
string File name pages
Array.<number> Page numbers -
Triggered when dragging Outline item.
Triggered when dropping Outline item.
Triggered when the PDF has finished saving.
Triggered when fullscreen mode is toggled.
Type: object
Name Type Description isInFullscreen
boolean Whether in fullscreen mode or not. -
Triggered when there is an error loading the document.
Name Type Description err
object The error -
Triggered when outline bookmarks have changed.
Name Type Description bookmark
object The changed bookmark -
Triggered when the panels are resized.
Type: object
Name Type Description element
string DataElement name width
number New panel width -
Triggered when the selected thumbnail changed.
Name Type Description selectedThumbnailPageIndexes
array The array of indexes of currently selected thumbnails -
Triggered when the UI theme has changed.
Name Type Description theme
string The new UI theme -
Triggered when thumbnail(s) are dragged in the thumbnail panel
Triggered when dragged thumbnail(s) are dropped to a new location in the thumbnail panel
Type: object
Name Type Description pageNumbersBeforeMove
Array.<number> The array of page numbers to be moved pageNumbersAfterMove
Array.<number> The array of page numbers of where thumbnails being dropped numberOfPagesMoved
number Number of page(s) being moved -
Triggered when the toolbar group has changed.
Name Type Description toolbarGroup
string The new toolbar group -
Triggered when user bookmarks have changed.
Name Type Description bookmarks
object The new bookmarks -
Triggered when the viewer has loaded.
Triggered when the visibility of an element has changed.
Type: object
Name Type Description element
string DataElement name isVisible
boolean The new visibility